Energy & Green Tech

Efficient and mild: Recycling of used lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) provide our portable devices like tablets and mobiles—and increasingly also vehicles—with power. As the share of volatile renewable energy needing electricity storage increases, more and more ...

Energy & Green Tech

Japan to decide Tuesday on Fukushima water release

The Japanese government will decide on Tuesday about the release of treated water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea, the government minister in charge said.

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers develop method for collecting clean water from fog

In countries such as Peru, Bolivia and Chile, it's not uncommon for people who live in foggy areas to hang up nets to catch droplets of water. The same is true of Morocco and Oman. These droplets then trickle down the mesh ...


Photocatalytic concrete for clean air in underground tunnels

The air quality in underground road tunnels tends to be worse than in other road environments due to the poor air circulation. To address this issue, researchers at the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology ...

Energy & Green Tech

Gentle method allows for eco-friendly recycling of solar cells

By using a new method, precious metals can be efficiently recovered from thin-film solar cells. This is shown by new research from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. The method is also more environmentally friendly ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Strong metaphorical messages can help tackle toxic e-waste

Consumers told that not recycling their batteries "risked polluting the equivalent of 140 Olympic swimming pools every year" were more likely to participate in an electronic waste recycling scheme, a new study has found.

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