Energy & Green Tech

E-kerosene strategy unveiled to achieve carbon-neutral air travel

International flights can transport us to most of the world's major cities within a day or two and later bring us home—often for less than a thousand dollars per seat. This jet-setting, however, comes with a heavy carbon ...

Energy & Green Tech

Proposed system shows how IoT could reduce household energy costs

Mathematicians from RUDN University have proposed a system that helps to use energy more efficiently. It is based on the Internet of Things and the digital twin of the household. The neural network optimally distributes tasks ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Artificial intelligence for food security

AI, or artificial intelligence, is attracting great attention across many industries, even food production, according to research published in the International Journal of Society Systems Science.


Blockchain to trace agricultural supply chains

The impacts of unsustainable agriculture on the environment can be devastating. With increasing pressure from consumers for sustainably sourced products, companies need to act to minimise their impacts. But how can a company ...

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