
Students design 3-D-printed optical mapping system

Two School of Engineering and Applied Science students designed a 3-D-printed system for optical mapping, a leading tool in cardiac electrophysiology used to study arrhythmia mechanisms. The system can be implemented for ...

Computer Sciences

Recognizing disease using less data

As artificial intelligence systems learn to better recognize and classify images, they are becoming highly-reliable at diagnosing diseases, such as skin cancer, from medical images. But as good as they are at detecting patterns, ...


Aquatic animals that jump out of water inspire leaping robots

Ever watch aquatic animals jump out of the water and wonder how they manage to do it in such a streamlined and graceful way? A group of researchers who specialize in water entry and exit in nature had the same question and ...

Computer Sciences

Hybrid approach optimizes grid

The modern "smart" city, says Jie Liu, is a web of networks that should run like a healthy, well-tuned circulatory system.

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