
Baseless Wayfair child-trafficking theory spreads online

The baseless conspiracy theory took off after an anonymous user posed a bizarre question in an internet chatroom: What if retail giant Wayfair is using pricey storage cabinets to traffic children?


CyberGraph: mapping cyber threats to prevent the next attack

Although nearly every aspect of our lives relies on technology, our current cybersecurity infrastructure is not prepared to effectively defend our social, economic and political organizations from advancing cyberattacks, ...

Computer Sciences

Encrypting images with chaos

Research published in the International Journal of Information and Computer Security details a way to encode an image using a chaotic cryptosystem that makes it harder for someone to illicitly break the encryption by boosting ...


Fact or fake? The role of knowledge neglect in misinformation

At this point we've all heard about the problems posed by misinformation in our society. From accusations that we're living in a post-truth world, to deep fakes that can make former President Obama say "Killmonger was right," ...


Twitter to label 'misleading' virus content

Twitter said Monday it began tagging "misleading" and "disputed" claims about the coronavirus pandemic in a stepped-up effort to label potentially harmful content.

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