Electronics & Semiconductors

The magnet trick: New invention makes vibrations disappear

When everything shakes, precision is usually impossible—everybody who has ever tried to take a photo with shaky hands or make handwritten notes on a bumpy bus journey knows that. With technical precision measurements, even ...


Harvesting unused micro-vibration to generate electricity

Energy Harvesting is a green technology that captures (or "harvests") wasted energy and converts it into electricity. The ubiquitous vibrations that surround us are one of the promising sources for energy harvesting. In particular, ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Harvesting vibrational energy from 'colored noise'

The energy demands of today's ubiquitous small electronic devices—including sensors, data transmitters, medical implants and 'wearable' consumer products such as Fitbits—can no longer be met by chemical batteries alone. ...


A helmet with a vibration sensor for excavator drivers

Fraunhofer researchers have developed a helmet with an integrated acceleration sensor for drivers of construction vehicles. The helmet sensor measures harmful vibrations that affect the body. The software analyzes the sensor ...


Sound-powered sensors stand to save millions of batteries

Sensors that monitor infrastructure, such as bridges or buildings, or are used in medical devices, such as prostheses for the deaf, require a constant supply of power. The energy for this usually comes from batteries, which ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Vibrating vests translate music for deaf concertgoers

The violins reverberate in the ribcage, while cello and bass are felt a little further down, with horns in the shoulders and, more often than not, soloists in the wrists.

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