Computer Sciences news

Electronics & Semiconductors

Engineers develop a bendable, programmable, non-silicon microprocessor that requires only 6 mW of power

A team of microchip engineers at Pragmatic Semiconductor, working with a pair of colleagues from Harvard University and another from Qamcom, has developed a bendable, programmable, non-silicon 32-bit RISC-V microprocessor. ...

Computer Sciences

The problem with new claims that Marlowe's Doctor Faustus was co-written by a forgotten dramatist

In Shakespeare's time, about a quarter of all plays were collaboratively written by two or more dramatists. Christopher Marlowe's classic work "Doctor Faustus" was first performed in the 1580s or early 1590s but only published ...

Computer Sciences

New algorithm helps enhance LLM collaboration for smarter, more efficient solutions

Ever been asked a question you only knew part of the answer to? To give a more informed response, your best move would be to phone a friend with more knowledge on the subject.

Computer Sciences

Novel framework allows for automated tuning of large-scale neuronal models

Developing large-scale neural network models that mimic the brain's activity is a major goal in the field of computational neuroscience. Existing models that accurately reproduce aspects of brain activity are notoriously ...

Computer Sciences

Distinguishing real sounds from deepfakes

Deepfake videos generated by artificial intelligence grow increasingly difficult to identify as false, a challenge that could significantly skew the results of the upcoming presidential election.

Computer Sciences

Deep learning drives dynamic autofocus in grayscale images

Researchers from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a novel autofocus method that harnesses the power of deep learning to dynamically select regions ...

Computer Sciences

New research could make weird AI images a thing of the past

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has notoriously struggled to create consistent images, often getting details like fingers and facial symmetry wrong. Moreover, these models can completely fail when prompted to generate ...


Quantum algorithm adopted by Google and IBM

An algorithm developed by Prakash Vedula, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Oklahoma School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, has been incorporated into advanced computing software developed by Google and IBM. ...

Computer Sciences

Exploring the fundamental reasoning abilities of LLMs

Reasoning, the process through which human beings mentally process information to draw specific conclusions or solve problems, can be divided into two main categories. The first type of reasoning, known as deductive reasoning, ...


Making STEM accessible for people with intellectual disabilities

TronicBoards, created by researchers from the Faculty of Information Technology (IT), are a range of customized color-coded printed circuit boards with large controls and recognizable symbols adapted to facilitate easy circuit ...

Computer Sciences

Simulating realistic lane changes in two-lane traffic

Many urban areas worldwide are now rapidly expanding, often with major negative impacts on traffic congestion. To address this issue, researchers have constructed models aiming to simulate the flow of traffic—but so far, ...


Using desserts to decode computer science

The past decade has seen great strides in innovative food experiences like 3D-printed food, ingestible sensors, combining robots with food service and eating with augmented reality. So far, these experiences have only involved ...

Energy & Green Tech

A new approach to improve the power control of wind farms

To slow down climate change and prevent its adverse consequences, humans will need to transition to more sustainable energy sources. Engineers worldwide have thus been working on a wide range of technologies that can convert ...


Music emotion recognition method based on multifeature fusion

Software that can correlate musical changes in an audio recording of a song with perceived emotional content would be useful across the music industry, particularly in terms of cataloging music and developing music recommendation ...

Computer Sciences

Can computers write product reviews with a human touch?

Artificial intelligence systems can be trained to write human-like product reviews that assist consumers, marketers and professional reviewers, according to a study from Dartmouth College, Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business, ...

Computer Sciences

Creating tools to open up programming languages to multiple users

Programming languages are used by a variety of end-users, with different knowledge and experience. These languages usually offer a single user interface or syntax, while it is important to offer different interfaces depending ...


Profile matching of online users across multiple social networks

It is perhaps a significant concern that internet users willingly and sometimes unwittingly share their personal and private information through online social networks without a second thought for how that information might ...