Energy & Green Tech news


US oil, gas production surged under both Trump and Biden-Harris, despite very different energy goals

The United States is producing more oil and natural gas today than ever before, and far more than any other country. So, what roles did the Trump-Pence and Biden-Harris administrations play in this surge?

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers: Nigerian households use a range of energy, from wood to solar—green energy planning must account for this

Low and middle-income countries generally lack access to renewable energy and rely excessively on traditional fuels like firewood and charcoal. In these countries, 2.6 billion people depend mainly on polluting fossil fuels ...

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists develop new material for more efficient carbon capture

In a significant advance for climate change mitigation efforts, we have developed a new material that could revolutionize carbon dioxide capture. Our study, published in Advanced Materials, introduces porous polymeric electrodes ...

Energy & Green Tech

Neutron imaging allows researchers to see inside a redox flow battery

At the beginning of the 20th century, the invention of X-ray imaging provided a leap of knowledge in medical science. Since then, we can see how our body's bones work, bringing numerous new treatments to light.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Achieving a supercapacitor through the 'molecular coating' approach

Researchers at Tohoku University have successfully increased the capacity, lifetime durability, and cost-effectiveness of a capacitor in their pursuit of a more power-efficient future. The research is published in the journal ...


Aurora borealis can light up the sky and shut down the grid

During a thunderstorm, you can feel rain pouring, see lightning flashing and hear wind howling. Unlike these phenomena, the Aurora Borealis cannot be heard or felt because it occurs through the earth's magnetic field's invisible ...


Corporate investment could improve climate-tech innovation

Corporate investments in climate-tech start-ups are a growing but overlooked aspect of energy innovation. According to a new report from Morgan Edwards, a professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers develop an oxygen-ion battery

Lithium-ion batteries are ubiquitous today, but that does not mean that they are the best solution for all areas of application. TU Wien has now succeeded in developing an oxygen-ion battery that has some important advantages. ...

Energy & Green Tech

Doing the math on a solar-powered future

Physicist Anders Carlsson, at Washington University in St. Louis, and Sid Redner of the Santa Fe Institute have created a new mathematical model to describe the most reliable, efficient and cost-effective way to harness solar ...


What really matters in multi-story building design?

The impact of multi-story building design considerations on embodied emissions, cost, and operational energy has been revealed for the first time. Using a model, researchers estimate that 28% to 44% of yearly heating and ...