Energy & Green Tech news

Energy & Green Tech

Catalyst design boosts performance of anion-exchange-membrane fuel cells

Fuel cells are energy-conversion solutions that generate electricity via electrochemical reactions without combustion, thus not contributing to the pollution of air on Earth. These cells could power various technologies, ...


Engineering approach can improve stability of perovskite solar cells under reverse bias conditions

Solar cells based on perovskites, a versatile class of materials with promising optoelectronic properties, are gradually making their way toward commercialization. While these solar cells can have notable advantages over ...


Researchers develop mobile test platform for offshore wind turbines

Public power grids are highly complex systems. Wind turbine manufacturers have to comply with technical guidelines when connecting new turbines to avoid putting grid stability at risk. In the Mobil-Grid-CoP project, researchers ...


Q&A: China's interests in Africa are being shaped by the race for renewable energy

China-Africa relations have deepened over the past two decades, characterized by increased economic cooperation, investment and infrastructure development. China is now Africa's largest trading partner, with partnerships ...

Energy & Green Tech

Pilot plant demonstrates iron-based hydrogen storage feasibility

Photovoltaics are set to meet over 40% of Switzerland's electricity needs by 2050. But solar power isn't always available when it's needed: there's too much of it in summer and too little in winter, when the sun shines less ...

Energy & Green Tech

Switzerland reopens door for new nuclear power plants

Switzerland said Wednesday it was open to building new nuclear power stations in the long term, given new geopolitical uncertainties, climate targets and population growth boosting the demand for electricity.

Energy & Green Tech

Dig deep: US bets on geothermal to become renewable powerhouse

Though geothermal represents only a tiny fraction of current US energy production, several businesses and President Joe Biden's administration are betting on technological advances to make it a backbone of the green transition.

Electronics & Semiconductors

A high efficiency LED based on copper–iodide clusters

A team led by Prof. Yao Hongbin from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) developed a high efficiency, high brightness warm white light-emitting diode (LED) based on copper-iodide cluster hybrids. Their ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

A new dawn for flexible electronics: Eliminating energy waste

Researchers have unveiled an innovative approach to create flexible organic integrated circuits (ICs) devoid of parasitic capacitance. This advancement heralds a substantial enhancement in the dynamic performance and operating ...

Energy & Green Tech

Boosting the durability of eco-friendly cars' power source

Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) stand at the forefront of clean energy solutions for vehicles, promising zero emissions, high efficiency, and minimal noise. Despite these advantages, the path to widespread adoption ...

Energy & Green Tech

Major environmental benefits of recycling gold with biodiesel

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed an environmentally friendly method for recycling and purifying metals. Using gold earrings from a pawnshop in Gothenburg and biodiesel from the nearest ...


Climate-friendly renovations using straw and hemp

Renovating buildings to improve their energy efficiency is a crucial step towards Switzerland achieving its climate targets. ETH Zurich researchers can now reveal the most effective renovation strategies for reducing greenhouse ...

Energy & Green Tech

Predicting energy yields for photovoltaic systems

The journey toward a sustainable future hinges on our ability to harness the power of renewable sources effectively. Solar energy, in particular, has emerged as a cornerstone of this transition. However, the unpredictable ...

Energy & Green Tech

Nuclear's EU comeback on show at Brussels summit

Promoting nuclear power was long taboo in Brussels, but a high-profile international summit Thursday sent loud and clear the message that atomic energy—now touted by its champions as key to fighting climate change—is ...

Energy & Green Tech

Strengthening the grid's 'backbone' with hydropower

Argonne-led studies investigate how hydropower could help Alaska add more clean energy to its grid, how it generates value as grids add more renewable energy, and how liner technology can improve hydropower efficiency.