Engineering news


Developing an ontology for smart city infrastructure threats, cybercrime and digital investigation

With technological advancements and a growing awareness about the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), interconnected systems within cities that capture real-time data indicators reflecting chosen SDGs ...


Study reveals barriers to AI integration in manufacturing design

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into manufacturing processes has huge potential for improving productivity, efficiency, and safety. Machine learning models are already used to monitor equipment health and ...


Solar-powered method converts sewage sludge into green hydrogen and animal feed

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore), have developed an innovative solar-powered method to transform sewage sludge—a by-product of wastewater treatment—into green hydrogen for clean ...


Pumps and valves made from ultrathin elastomeric films are lightweight and energy efficient

Miniaturized pumps and valves that rely on the motion of dielectric elastomeric silicone films are being created in Saarland, Germany. Not only are these devices lightweight, compact and energy-efficient, but they also work ...


Nature-inspired 3D-printing method shoots up faster than bamboo

Charging forward at top speed, a garden snail slimes up 1 millimeter of pavement per second. By this logic, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology researchers' new 3D printing process speeds past existing methods—at ...


AI in engineering: Researchers discuss synergy between fields

A review explores the role of AI in engineering, assessing the benefits and challenges of the synergy between the two fields. A 2004 DARPA contest pitted AI vehicles against one another in a race on 150 miles of dirt roads. ...


Erythritol slurry and its potential for waste heat recovery

Energy efficiency is crucial for sustainability, yet vast amounts of low-temperature waste heat remain unused in industrial processes. Now, researchers from Japan have investigated erythritol slurry as a promising heat transfer ...


Silk-inspired in situ web spinning for situated robots

Researchers at the Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, present a robotics concept in which temporary robot embodiments and movement pathways are spun in situ from a polymer solution. They demonstrate an ad hoc gripper ...


Lightening the load of augmented reality glasses

An international team of scientists developed augmented reality glasses with technology to receive images beamed from a projector, to resolve some of the existing limitations of such glasses, such as their weight and bulk. ...


Nanoscale tweaks help alloy withstand high-speed impacts

A Cornell-led collaboration devised a new method for designing metals and alloys that can withstand extreme impacts: introducing nanometer-scale speed bumps that suppress a fundamental transition that controls how metallic ...


Engineers create more effective burner to reduce methane emissions

Researchers at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and the University of Michigan (U-M) have published a new study showing an advanced new methane flare burner, created with additive manufacturing and machine learning, eliminates ...


Sensors can detect hydrogen leaks for safer infrastructure

Fraunhofer researchers have developed sensor systems and measuring equipment that detect leaks in hydrogen lines and tanks. Applications for the new technology include continuous monitoring of hydrogen shipments and facilities ...


Researchers build stable solar panel without silicon

Solar power as an electricity source is growing in the United States, with 7% of Americans using it to run their homes. But scientists are still trying to make the solar panel production process more efficient.