
Chaos is a quarterly journal published by the American Institute of Physics and devoted to increasing the understanding of nonlinear phenomena and describing the manifestations in a manner comprehensible to researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines.

Impact factor
2.076 (2011)
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Computer Sciences

Trust the machine—it knows what it is doing

Machine learning, when used in climate science builds an actual understanding of the climate system, according to a study published in the journal Chaos by Manuel Santos Gutiérrez and Valerio Lucarini, University of Reading, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Smart devices to schedule electricity use may prevent blackouts

Power plants generate electricity and send it into power lines that distribute energy to nodes, or sites, where it can be used. But if the electricity load is more than the system's capacity, transmission can fail, leading ...


Twitter data reveals global communication network

Twitter mentions show distinct community structure patterns resulting from communication preferences of individuals affected by physical distance between users and commonalities, such as shared language and history.


New energy-efficient algorithm keeps UAV swarms helping longer

A new energy-efficient data routing algorithm developed by an international team could keep unmanned aerial vehicle swarms flying—and helping—longer, report an international team of researchers this month in the journal ...

Computer Sciences

Brain-inspired chaotic spiking backpropagation

Since it was discovered in the 1980s that learning in the rabbit brain utilizes chaos, this nonlinear and initially value-sensitive dynamical behavior has been increasingly recognized as integral to brain learning.

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