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Computer Sciences

Computing scheme accelerates machine learning while improving energy efficiency of traditional data operations

Artificial intelligence (AI) models like ChatGPT run on algorithms and have great appetites for data, which they process through machine learning, but what about the limits of their data-processing abilities? Researchers ...

Energy & Green Tech

New continuous reaction process can help turn plant waste into sustainable aviation fuel

Washington State University scientists successfully tested a new way to produce sustainable jet fuel from lignin-based agricultural waste. Published in the journal Fuel Processing Technology, the team's research demonstrated ...


Bubbling up: Uncovering melt pool dynamics in metal manufacturing

Manually shaking or vibrating molten metal using ultrasonic waves helps reduce air bubbles, cracks and grain sizes in a finished metal part. Metal 3D printing researchers hypothesized that vibrations were the key to increasing ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

From quantum to wireless: Enhancing chip-scale communication with terahertz tech

As computing technology advances, we have shifted from using large, single-chip processors to systems made up of smaller, specialized chips called "chiplets." These chiplets work together to boost processing power and efficiency.


Robot planning tool accounts for human carelessness

A new algorithm may make robots safer by making them more aware of human inattentiveness. In computerized simulations of packaging and assembly lines where humans and robots work together, the algorithm developed to account ...

Energy & Green Tech

Method paves the way for improved fuel cell vehicles

Hydrogen is a fuel alternative that is becoming increasingly interesting for heavy-duty vehicles. Hydrogen-powered vehicles only emit water vapor as exhaust, and if the hydrogen is produced using renewable energy, it is completely ...


How air-powered computers can prevent blood clots

A new, air-powered computer sets off alarms when certain medical devices fail. The invention is a more reliable and lower-cost way to help prevent blood clots and strokes—all without electronic sensors.


A light-powered hydrogel launcher

An international team of mechanical engineers has developed what they call a fracture-driven, power-amplified hydrogel launcher. They have published their discovery in the journal Nature Materials.