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Computer Sciences

World's first chatbot, ELIZA, resurrected from 60-year-old computer code

A small team of researchers from the U.S. and the U.K. has resurrected the code for a 60-year-old chatbot named ELIZA, believed to be the first electronic chatbot. In their paper posted to the arXiv preprint server, the team ...

Energy & Green Tech

Next-generation lithium–sulfur batteries: Scientists develop large-area, high-capacity prototypes

Dr. Park Jun-woo's team at KERI's Next Generation Battery Research Center has overcome a major obstacle to the commercialization of next-generation lithium–sulfur batteries and successfully developed large-area, high-capacity ...


Use of robotic hand exoskeleton helps pianists improve their playing speed

A team of roboticists at Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc. and the NeuroPiano Institute, in Kyoto, reports that a robotic exoskeleton strapped to the top of a piano player's hand allowed it to control the player's fingers ...


More versatile shape-shifting materials offer new possibilities for soft robotics and wearable tech

Finding new angles on an old artform, McGill researchers have increased the number of stable shapes that kirigami-based engineered materials can take, opening the way to a range of new applications. Their study is published ...


Transforming how AI systems perceive human hands

Making Artificial Intelligence systems robustly perceive humans remains one of the most intricate challenges in computer vision. Among the most complex problems is reconstructing 3D models of human hands, a task with wide-ranging ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Alexa, should voice assistants have a gender?

Studies have long shown that men are more likely to interrupt, particularly when speaking with women. New research by Johns Hopkins engineers reveals that this behavior also extends to AI-powered voice assistants like Alexa ...


3D-printed fungal fuel cell offers biodegradable power solution

A battery that needs feeding instead of charging? This is exactly what Empa researchers have achieved with their 3D-printed, biodegradable fungal battery. The living battery could supply power to sensors for agriculture or ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Invisible man: German startup bets on remote driver

With no one in the driver seat, the SUV pulling up resembles an autonomous robotaxi like those becoming increasingly present in some cities—but the car from German startup Vay is something else.