Robotics news


AI technology and self-coordinating drones to detect and investigate wildfires

A swarm of self-coordinating drones for firefighting, as part of an effort to develop cost-effective early mitigation strategies for wildfires has been developed.


Robots are coming to the kitchen—what that could mean for society and culture

Automating food is unlike automating anything else. Food is fundamental to life—nourishing body and soul—so how it's accessed, prepared and consumed can change societies fundamentally.


Researchers develop a new humanoid platform for robotics research

Advancements in the field of robotics are fueled by research, which in turn heavily relies on effective platforms to test algorithms for robot control and navigation. While numerous robotics platforms have been developed ...


Biohybrid robots controlled by electrical impulses in mushrooms

Building a robot takes time, technical skill, the right materials—and sometimes, a little fungus.


Improving workplace safety: The Bilateral Back Extensor Exosuit

In an innovative leap forward for workplace safety, a research team at Seoul National University has developed the Bilateral Back Extensor Exosuit (BBEX), a robotic back-support device designed to prevent spinal injuries ...


Designing the ideal soft gripper for diverse functionalities

Robotic automation has become a game-changer in addressing labor shortages. While traditional rigid grippers have effectively automated various routine tasks, boosting efficiency and productivity in industries that deal with ...


Researchers train a robot dog to combat invasive fire ants

A multidisciplinary research team based across China and Brazil has used a dog-like robot and AI to create a new way to find fire ant nests. Published in the journal Pest Management Science, the study highlights how a "CyberDog" ...


AI assistant monitors teamwork to promote effective collaboration

On a research cruise around Hawaii in 2018, Yuening Zhang SM '19, Ph.D. '24 saw how difficult it was to keep a tight ship. The careful coordination required to map underwater terrain could sometimes lead to a stressful environment ...


Robot planning tool accounts for human carelessness

A new algorithm may make robots safer by making them more aware of human inattentiveness. In computerized simulations of packaging and assembly lines where humans and robots work together, the algorithm developed to account ...


Picotaur—the unrivaled microrobot

Picture this: hundreds of ant-sized robots climb over rubble, under rocks and between debris to inspect the damage of a fallen building before human rescuers explore on-site.


Beetle-inspired robots show improved flight capabilities

An analysis of how rhinoceros beetles deploy and retract their hindwings shows that the process is passive, requiring no muscular activity. The findings, reported in Nature, could help improve the design of flying micromachines.


Dutch turn to birds and bees to inspire drone swarm research

Dutch scientists have unveiled the country's first laboratory to research how autonomous miniature drones can mimic insects to accomplish tasks ranging from finding gas leaks in factories to search-and-rescue missions.