Electronics & Semiconductors news

Electronics & Semiconductors

Shape-morphing brain sensor adheres to curved surfaces for ultrasound neurostimulation

Transcranial focused ultrasound, a non-invasive technique to stimulate specific areas of the brain using high-frequency sound waves, could be a promising treatment strategy for many neurological disorders. Most notably, it ...


Spotlight on ultra-precision machining: Overcoming the challenges of processing silicon carbide single crystals

Silicon carbide (SiC) has emerged as a crucial material in the realm of high-end electronics, particularly for applications requiring high thermal conductivity, high hardness, and robust chemical stability. Its application ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

There's two sides to this semiconductor, and many simultaneous functions

Gallium nitride-based semiconductors have been a boon for high-frequency and power electronics. They've also revolutionized energy-efficient LED lighting. But no semiconductor wafer has been able to do both at the same time ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Waste heat to green energy: New approach boosts thermoelectric generator efficiency

Thermoelectric generators that can convert waste heat to clean energy could soon be as efficient as other renewable energy sources, like solar, according to a team led by Penn State scientists.


Chipmaker Qualcomm to explore takeover of Intel

Qualcomm Inc. has approached Intel Corp. to discuss a potential acquisition of the struggling chipmaker, people with knowledge of the matter said, raising the prospect of one of the biggest-ever M&A deals.


Semi-metals offer new possibilities for electronic devices

Dr. Yuxuan Cosmi Lin, assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University, and a team of researchers are studying the potential applications and unique physical properties of ...


Axon-mimicking materials show promise for more efficient computing

A team of researchers from Texas A&M University, Sandia National Lab—Livermore, and Stanford University are taking lessons from the brain to design materials for more efficient computing. The new class of materials discovered ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New robot boosts solar energy research

Researchers have created a robot capable of conducting experiments more efficiently and sustainably to develop a range of new semiconductor materials with desirable attributes. The researchers have already demonstrated that ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New wearable sensor sets record for solar power efficiency

Sweat, like blood, can tell us a lot about a person's health. And conveniently, it's a lot less invasive to collect. This is the premise behind the wearable sweat sensors developed by Wei Gao, assistant professor of medical ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

The present and future of computing get a boost from new research

The world's computing needs have grown exponentially in recent years due to an explosion of technology. To meet the needs for the next technological leap, the scientific community is working to improve current processing ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Chip giant AMD says AI to be 'mega-trend' for computing world

AI will be the "defining mega-trend" for the global computing industry, the head of chip giant AMD said Thursday in Taiwan, where the majority of the world's semiconductors powering the technology is produced.

Electronics & Semiconductors

A new milestone for flexible magnetic sensors

Flexible magnetic sensors have gained popularity due to their versatility and potential applications in major areas of flexible electronics, including soft robotics, consumer electronics, health care, automotive, and more. ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

A ferroelectric transistor that stores and computes at scale

The Big Data revolution has strained the capabilities of state-of-the-art electronic hardware, challenging engineers to rethink almost every aspect of the microchip. With ever more enormous data sets to store, search and ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Europe looks to virtual factories in new industrial revolution

EU manufacturers are increasingly embracing digital technologies to improve agility. A plant that makes electric shavers in the northern Dutch town of Drachten is gearing up for a test meant to help European industry thrive ...