Hi Tech & Innovation

Therapy for ChatGPT? How to reduce AI 'anxiety'

Distressing news and traumatic stories can cause stress and anxiety—not only in humans, but also in AI language models, such as ChatGPT. Researchers from the University of Zurich and the University Hospital of Psychiatry ...


Silk-inspired in situ web spinning for situated robots

Researchers at the Institute of Technology, University of Tartu, present a robotics concept in which temporary robot embodiments and movement pathways are spun in situ from a polymer solution. They demonstrate an ad hoc gripper ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Washable touchless technology could transform electronic textiles

A team of researchers from Nottingham Trent University, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (Germany) and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) has created washable and durable magnetic field-sensing electronic textiles—thought ...

Computer Sciences

High-speed face tracking enhances augmented reality experiences

Augmented reality (AR) has become a hot topic in the entertainment, fashion, and makeup industries. Though a few different technologies exist in these fields, dynamic facial projection mapping (DFPM) is among the most sophisticated ...


New AI defense method shields models from adversarial attacks

Neural networks, a type of artificial intelligence modeled on the connectivity of the human brain, are driving critical breakthroughs across a wide range of scientific domains. But these models face significant threat from ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Hydrogen sensor that could pave the way for safer, cleaner energy

Scientists have developed a hydrogen sensor that could accelerate the transition to clean hydrogen energy. As the world transitions away from fossil fuels, hydrogen is considered a key player to the transition to cleaner ...

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