Hi Tech & Innovation

AI tool generates video from brain activity

"Alexa, play back that dream I had about Kirsten last week." That's a command that may not be too far off in the future, as researchers close in on technology that can tap into our minds and retrieve the imagery of our thoughts.

Machine learning & AI

Scientists use brain scans and AI to 'decode' thoughts

Scientists said Monday they have found a way to use brain scans and artificial intelligence modeling to transcribe "the gist" of what people are thinking, in what was described as a step towards mind reading.

Machine learning & AI

Mind and matter: Modeling the human brain with machine learning

We all like to think that we know ourselves best, but given that our brain activity is largely governed by our subconscious mind, it is probably our brain that knows us better. While this is only a hypothesis, researchers ...

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Neuroimaging includes the use of various techniques to either directly or indirectly image the structure, function/pharmacology of the brain. It is a relatively new discipline within medicine and neuroscience/psychology.

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