Machine learning & AI

Gesture recognition technology shrinks to micro size

New resource-efficient gesture recognition can be embedded into smart clothing. Technology developed in collaboration between Aalto University and company HitSeed could be used in manufacturing and healthcare, for example.


Robots deciding their next move need help prioritizing

As robots replace humans in dangerous situations such as search and rescue missions, they need to be able to quickly assess and make decisions—to react and adapt like a human being would. Researchers at the University of ...


Creating software that will unlock the power of exascale

Leading research organizations and computer manufacturers in the U.S. are collaborating on the construction of some of the world's fastest supercomputers—exascale systems capable of performing more than a billion billion ...

Machine learning & AI

New deep learning models: Fewer neurons, more intelligence

Artificial intelligence has arrived in our everyday lives—from search engines to self-driving cars. This has to do with the enormous computing power that has become available in recent years. But new results from AI research ...

Computer Sciences

A very tiny alteration can help deepfakes escape detection

Last month, Sophie Wilmès, the prime minister of Belgium, appeared in an online video to tell her audience that the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to the "exploitation and destruction by humans of our natural environment." ...


Device tracks house appliances through vibration, AI

To boost efficiency in typical households—where people forget to take wet clothes out of washing machines, retrieve hot food from microwaves and turn off dripping faucets—Cornell University researchers have developed ...

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