
Device tracks house appliances through vibration, AI

To boost efficiency in typical households—where people forget to take wet clothes out of washing machines, retrieve hot food from microwaves and turn off dripping faucets—Cornell University researchers have developed ...

Computer Sciences

Tool transforms world landmark photos into 4-D experiences

Using publicly available tourist photos of world landmarks such as the Trevi Fountain in Rome or Top of the Rock in New York City, Cornell researchers have developed a method to create maneuverable 3-D images that show changes ...

Computer Sciences

Foiling illicit cryptocurrency mining with artificial intelligence

Los Alamos National Laboratory computer scientists have developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) system that may be able to identify malicious codes that hijack supercomputers to mine for cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin ...

Machine learning & AI

Applying machine learning to biomedical science

With potential application diagnosing cancer or predicting how viruses, such as HIV, attack human cells, machine learning is opening promising new areas of application for bioinformatics—the data science of molecular biology. ...

Machine learning & AI

Shrinking deep learning's carbon footprint

In June, OpenAI unveiled the largest language model in the world, a text-generating tool called GPT-3 that can write creative fiction, translate legalese into plain English, and answer obscure trivia questions. It's the latest ...

Energy & Green Tech

Tracking the neural network's nuclear clues

Following the 2011 earthquake in Japan, a tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling in three Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant reactors. The reactors' cores largely melted in the first 72 hours.

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