
Musk subpoenas Twitter whistleblower in buyout battle

Elon Musk has formally subpoenaed a Twitter whistleblower to share information about spam accounts at the social network, as the billionaire fights in court to back out of a massive buyout deal.


Elon Musk subpoenas former Twitter chief Jack Dorsey

Elon Musk has served former Twitter boss Jack Dorsey with a subpoena in a hunt for material to help him get out of buying the giant social media platform for $44 billion as agreed.


Big tech's reckoning won't stop with Uber

Life for big tech companies looks increasingly different to how it did five years ago. Back then, Uber Technologies Inc. used a secret "kill switch" to thwart police from probing its data systems in more than a dozen countries. ...


Researchers investigate Apple's privacy labels

CyLab researchers have been studying privacy nutrition labels for over a decade, so when Apple introduced privacy labels in their app store a little over a year ago, the researchers were eager to investigate them.


Tesla issues 2nd recall for obstructing pedestrian warning

Tesla is recalling nearly nearly 595,000 vehicles in the U.S., most for a second time, because a "Boombox" function can play sounds over an external speaker and obscure audible warnings for pedestrians.

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The term document has more meanings in ordinary language and in scholarship. WordNet 3.1. lists four meanings (October 2011):

In Library and information science and in documentation science is "document" considered a basic theoretical construct. It is everything which may be preserved or represented in order to serve as evidence for some purpose. The classical example provided by Suzanne Briet is an antelope: "An antelope running wild on the plains of Africa should not be considered a document, she rules. But if it were to be captured, taken to a zoo and made an object of study, it has been made into a document. It has become physical evidence being used by those who study it. Indeed, scholarly articles written about the antelope are secondary documents, since the antelope itself is the primary document." (Quoted from Buckland, 1998 ). (This view has been seen as an early expression of what now is known as actor–network theory).

That documents cannot be defined by their transmission medium (such as paper) is evident because of the existence of electronic documents.

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