
How human faces can teach androids to smile

Robots able to display human emotion have long been a mainstay of science fiction stories. Now, Japanese researchers have been studying the mechanical details of real human facial expressions to bring those stories closer ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Hollywood strike: Is AI really a threat to actors?

Better pay and new agreements with streaming platforms: the actors' strike that brought Hollywood to a standstill a few days ago is mainly about money. But there is something else that film actors are worried about—the ...


Software creates entirely new views from existing video

Filmmakers may soon be able to stabilize shaky video, change viewpoints and create freeze-frame, zoom and slow-motion effects—without shooting any new footage—thanks to an algorithm developed by researchers at Cornell ...

Computer Sciences

Intel reports high-rendering graphics with low-power GPUs

Setting its sights on evolving graphics processing units in a growing universe of generative AI, Intel announced the release of several papers outlining efforts it is pursuing in what observers say is a multibillion-dollar ...

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Graphics (from Greek γραφικός graphikos) are visual presentations on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, computer screen, paper, or stone to brand, inform, illustrate, or entertain. Examples are photographs, drawings, Line Art, graphs, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings, or other images. Graphics often combine text, illustration, and color. Graphic design may consist of the deliberate selection, creation, or arrangement of typography alone, as in a brochure, flier, poster, web site, or book without any other element. Clarity or effective communication may be the objective, association with other cultural elements may be sought, or merely, the creation of a distinctive style.

Graphics can be functional or artistic. The latter can be a recorded version, such as a photograph, or an interpretation by a scientist to highlight essential features, or an artist, in which case the distinction with imaginary graphics may become blurred.

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