Computer Sciences

New algorithm to help process biological images

Skoltech researchers have presented a new biological image processing method that accurately picks out specific biological objects in complex images. Their results will be presented as an oral talk at the high-profile computer ...

Computer Sciences

How sensors and big data can help cut food waste

Modern farming has evolved by adopting technical advances such as machines for ploughing and harvesting, controlled irrigation, fertilisers, pesticides, crop breeding and genetics research. These have helped farmers to produce ...

Machine learning & AI

IQ test for artificial intelligence systems

Washington State University researchers are creating the first-ever "IQ test" for artificial intelligence (AI) systems that would score systems on how well they learn and adapt to new, unknown environments.

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning research may aid many industries

Spam emails, bank fraud, diabetes, workers quitting their jobs. What do these topics have in common? The answer can be found in machine learning research at Binghamton University.

Machine learning & AI

Symbol of change for AI development

A mathematical framework that bridges the gap between high-level human-readable knowledge and statistical data has been developed by a KAUST team and is expected to improve machine learning.

Machine learning & AI

An approach to enhance question answering (QA) models

Identifying the correct answer to a question often entails gathering large amounts of information and understanding complex ideas. In a recent study, a team of researchers at New York University (NYU) and Facebook AI Research ...

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