Energy & Green Tech

Atom-thin graphene membranes make carbon capture more efficient

Scientists at EPFL have developed advanced atom-thin graphene membranes with pyridinic-nitrogen at pore edges, showing unprecedented performance in CO2 capture. It marks a significant stride toward more efficient carbon capture ...


Laser polishes 3D-printed metal parts better than ever before

Researchers from Skoltech and MEPhI have devised a laser polishing technique that effectively removes both surface roughness and subsurface pores in intricately shaped metal parts manufactured with a 3D printer. Described ...

Energy & Green Tech

Green adhesives made from whey

Every day, large quantities of whey are produced as a byproduct by the dairy industry. In Germany alone, this amounts to 12.6 million tons a year. For each kilogram of cheese, for example, 9 kilograms of whey are produced. ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Separator key when it comes to 'stable' vs. 'safe' battery

Research from the lab of Peng Bai, assistant professor of energy, environmental and chemical engineering at the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, recently revealed the formula for building ...

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