Energy & Green Tech

How long until efficient fuel cells? Ask the experts

In the quest for the perfect alternative for gas-powered vehicles, there have been a lot of contenders over the years. When it comes to public perception, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are some of the most widely known. ...

Computer Sciences

Speeding up machine learning for particle physics

Machine learning is everywhere. For example, it's how Spotify gives you suggestions of what to listen to next or how Siri answers your questions. And it's used in particle physics too, from theoretical calculations to data ...

Energy & Green Tech

Method paves the way for improved fuel cell vehicles

Hydrogen is a fuel alternative that is becoming increasingly interesting for heavy-duty vehicles. Hydrogen-powered vehicles only emit water vapor as exhaust, and if the hydrogen is produced using renewable energy, it is completely ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Sulfonamides make robust cathode material for proton batteries

Proton batteries are an innovative and environmentally friendly type of battery in which charge is carried by protons, which are positively charged hydrogen ions. A team of researchers has now developed organic sulfonamides ...

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