Computer Sciences

Exploring open-ended evolution in web services

Just like living ecosystems, web services form a complex artificial system consisting of tags and the user-generated media associated with them, such as photographs, movies and web pages. When drawing an analogy between biological ...


Using Bitcoin to prevent identity theft

A reaction to the 2008 financial crisis, Bitcoin is a digital-currency scheme designed to wrest control of the monetary system from central banks. With Bitcoin, anyone can mint money, provided he or she can complete a complex ...


Learning to combat DDOS attacks

Denial of service (DOS) and distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks on computer systems are a major concern to those charged with keeping online services running and protecting systems and those who use them. Such intrusions ...


Shining a light on the hidden shadows of the internet

The dark web began as an anonymous communication channel for the US government but is now a term used by the media and in Hollywood movies to refer to hidden online services where people primarily buy and sell items such ...

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