Telecom news


Researchers publish blueprint to fuse wireless technologies and AI

There's a major difference between humans and current artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities: common sense. According to a new paper by Walid Saad, professor in the College of Engineering and the Next-G Wireless Lead at ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

A tiny component for record-breaking bandwidth: New modulator breaks the terahertz mark

Plasmonic modulators are tiny components that convert electrical signals into optical signals in order to transport them through optical fibers. A modulator of this kind had never managed to transmit data at a frequency of ...

Consumer & Gadgets

How satellite radio predicted the cultural, musical and technological shifts that now define our times

From music to film, subscriptions have become essential. The average number of subscriptions an American consumer maintains is four and a half, spending nearly US$1,000 a year. The average Canadian household pays for two ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Researchers develop core network technology for 6G hyper-immersive services

Korean researchers have succeeded in developing a core wired network technology that enables remote conferences, collaborations, and surgeries in a 6G environment. This technology will open up a hyper-immersive metaverse ...


Fiber optic networks enhanced with liquid crystal technology

Applications such as self-driving vehicles, 6G mobile communications and quantum communications are pushing fiber optic networks to their limits. Fraunhofer researchers have joined forces with partners to devise clever ways ...


AI, trade tensions mark Barcelona mobile industry meet

The world's largest wireless technology showcase kicked off on Monday, with excitement over AI's potential to transform gadgets clashing with concerns over trade tensions fueled by the United States.


AI in 6G development: Outlining its direction and purpose

The University of Oulu's 6G research program was the first in the world to publish a 6G White Paper in 2019. It was jointly prepared by several dozen experts. In the following two years, several papers on different aspects ...