Monday, Apr 15


Hong Kong conditionally approves first bitcoin and ether ETFs

Hong Kong's securities regulator on Monday granted conditional approval to start the city's first spot-bitcoin and ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs), firms involved said, positioning it as a leader in Asia for the use of ...


Mimicking fish to create the ideal deep-sea submersible

More than 80% of the Earth's ocean has yet to be mapped. This is due, in part, to the challenges associated with deep-sea exploration, including intense pressure, zero visibility and extremely cold temperatures. As financial ...

Tuesday, Apr 16


Taichi: A large-scale diffractive hybrid photonic AI chiplet

A combined team of engineers from Tsinghua University and the Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology, both in China, has developed a large-scale diffractive hybrid photonic AI chiplet for ...


Cooler transformers could help electric grid

Most people do not give the U.S. electric grid a second thought—we flip a switch, and the lights come on. Behind the scenes are thousands of power plants and utilities linked by millions of miles of transmission lines. ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Samsung returns to top of the smartphone market: Industry tracker

Samsung regained its position as the top smartphone seller, wresting back the lead from Apple as Chinese rivals close the gap on both market leaders, industry tracker International Data Corporation (IDC) reported Monday.

Wednesday, Apr 17


How 3D printers can give robots a soft touch

Soft skin coverings and touch sensors have emerged as a promising feature for robots that are both safer and more intuitive for human interaction, but they are expensive and difficult to make. A recent study demonstrates ...


Tennessee VW workers hold key unionization vote

Volkswagen employees in Tennessee will begin casting ballots Wednesday in a vote that could make theirs the first foreign carmaker to unionize in the American South, expanding gains made by organized labor in the auto heartland ...

Thursday, Apr 18


Floating solar's potential to support sustainable development

A study, published in Nature Energy, is among the first to explore the floating photovoltaics (FPV) at the continental scale, finding that FPV installed at existing major reservoirs could produce 20–100% of the electricity ...

Friday, Apr 19


Greater access to clean water, thanks to a better membrane

Water scarcity around the world is a bigger problem than ever, and desalination is critical to solving it. The best available technologies for separating salt from seawater, though, are costly and require a great deal of ...

Saturday, Apr 20

Hi Tech & Innovation

Microsoft teases lifelike avatar AI tech but gives no release date

Researchers at Microsoft have revealed a new artificial tool that can create deeply realistic human avatars—but offered no timetable to make it available to the public, citing concerns about facilitating deep fake content.


AI's relentless rise gives journalists tough choices

The rise of artificial intelligence has forced an increasing number of journalists to grapple with the ethical and editorial challenges posed by the rapidly expanding technology.


'Halving' arrives for bitcoin miners

The bitcoin market on Friday engineered the "halving" of the reward for operating the cryptocurrency, a much-anticipated step designed to limit production and boost the digital money.


X owner Musk says opposed to US ban of competitor TikTok

Elon Musk on Friday came out against banning TikTok in the United States, even if it would mean less competition for his social media platform X, formerly Twitter, as the initiative sees fresh bipartisan momentum in Congress.

Sunday, Apr 21


Bill to ban TikTok in US moves ahead in Congress

The US House of Representatives approved a bill Saturday that would force the wildly popular social media app TikTok to divest from its Chinese parent company ByteDance or be shut out of the American market.


Splashy Saudi mega-project NEOM chases Chinese funds

Bigwigs behind a Saudi megacity dogged by questions about its viability have wrapped up a tour courting Chinese investors, detailing plans for a futuristic ski resort and 170-kilometer-long skyscrapers.