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Engineers create a caterpillar-shaped robot that splits into segments, reassembles, hauls and crawls

Engineers at Princeton and North Carolina State University have combined ancient paper-folding and modern materials science to create a soft robot that bends and twists through mazes with ease.

Consumer & Gadgets

Turing test study shows humans rate artificial intelligence as more 'moral' than other people

A new study has found that when people are presented with two answers to an ethical question, most will think the answer from artificial intelligence (AI) is better than the response from another person.

Computer Sciences

Multiplexed neuron sets make smaller optical neural networks possible

Seeking to improve the practicality of optical neural networks that use wavelength division multiplexing, a research team developed a structure called multiplexed neuron sets and a corresponding backpropagation training algorithm.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Refined AI approach improves noninvasive brain-computer interface performance

Pursuing a viable alternative to invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) has been a continued research focus of Carnegie Mellon University's He Lab. In 2019, the group used a noninvasive BCI to successfully demonstrate, ...


Leveraging robots to help make wind turbine blades

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have successfully leveraged robotic assistance in the manufacture of wind turbine blades, allowing for the elimination of difficult ...