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Researchers develop novel 3D printing strategy with controllable gradients porous structures

Material extrusion 3D printing technology is widely utilized in biofabrication/bioprinting, tissue engineering, flexible electronics, and soft robotics. However, the fixed printing parameters and constant filament diameter ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers develop the fastest possible flow algorithm

In a breakthrough that brings to mind Lucky Luke—the man who shoots faster than his shadow—Rasmus Kyng and his team have developed a superfast algorithm that looks set to transform an entire field of research.


Researchers successfully develop domestic 6G antenna measurement system

In April 2019, South Korea ambitiously launched the world's first 5G mobile communication service. While 5G in the 3.5 GHz band was commercialized, the communication quality did not meet consumer expectations. The installation ...

Energy & Green Tech

Research shows how common plastics could passively cool and heat buildings with the seasons

Researchers at Princeton and UCLA have developed a passive mechanism to cool buildings in the summer and warm them in the winter.

Electronics & Semiconductors

'Self-healing' solar cells could become reality

Solar cells of the future could be able to withstand corrosive susceptibility by "self-healing," in a break-through the scientific community has long been pursuing.


Mechanical computer relies on kirigami cubes, not electronics

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a kirigami-inspired mechanical computer that uses a complex structure of rigid, interconnected polymer cubes to store, retrieve and erase data without relying on ...

Computer Sciences

New tool detects AI-generated videos with 93.7% accuracy

Earlier this year, an employee at a multinational corporation sent fraudsters $25 million. The instructions to transfer the money came—the employee thought—straight from the company's CFO. In reality, the criminals had ...