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Computer Sciences

Matrix unloaded: Graphics processor-boosted solvers for diffusion physics

Underlying all complex multiphysics simulations are even more complex mathematical algorithms that solve the equations describing movement of physical phenomena—for instance, the radiation diffusion and burning plasma processes ...


New yttrium-doping strategy enhances 2D transistors

Electronics engineers and materials scientists have been trying to identify materials that could help to boost the performance of electronics further, overcoming the inherent limitations of silicon-based transistors. Two-dimensional ...

Computer Sciences

From 'CyberSlug' to 'CyberOctopus': New AI explores, remembers, seeks novelty, overcomes obstacles

By giving artificial intelligence simple associative learning rules based on the brain circuits that allow a sea slug to forage—and augmenting it with better episodic memory, like that of an octopus—scientists have built ...

Machine learning & AI

New computational model of real neurons could lead to better AI

Nearly all the neural networks that power modern artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT are based on a 1960s-era computational model of a living neuron. A new model developed at the Flatiron Institute's Center for ...

Machine learning & AI

Navigating the labyrinth: How AI tackles complex data sampling

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) has recently seen significant advancements in generative models, a type of machine-learning algorithm that "learns" patterns from sets of data in order to generate new, similar sets ...

Energy & Green Tech

Atom-thin graphene membranes make carbon capture more efficient

Scientists at EPFL have developed advanced atom-thin graphene membranes with pyridinic-nitrogen at pore edges, showing unprecedented performance in CO2 capture. It marks a significant stride toward more efficient carbon capture ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers engineer AI path to prevent power outages

University of Texas at Dallas researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) model that could help electrical grids prevent power outages by automatically rerouting electricity in milliseconds.

Computer Sciences

Correcting biases in image generator models

Image generator models—systems that produce new images based on textual descriptions—have become a common and well-known phenomenon in the past year. Their continuous improvement, largely relying on developments in the ...


EU accuses Apple of breaking bloc's digital rules

Apple risks billions of euros in fines after the European Union on Monday accused the iPhone maker of violating the bloc's landmark digital rules by hindering competition on its App Store.