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Red, yellow, green ... and white? Smarter vehicles could mean big changes for the traffic light

As cars and trucks get smarter and more connected, the humble lights that have controlled the flow of traffic for more than a century could also be on the cusp of a major transformation.

Energy & Green Tech

Making batteries takes lots of lithium: Almost half of it could come from Pennsylvania wastewater

Most batteries used in technology like smartwatches and electric cars are made with lithium that travels across the world before even getting to manufacturers. But what if nearly half of the lithium used in the U.S. could ...


A new approach to using neural networks for low-power digital pre-distortion in mmWave systems

In a study published in the journal IEICE Electronics Express, researchers present a neural network digital pre-distortion (DPD) for mmWave RF-PAs.


Controlling chaos using edge computing hardware: Digital twin models promise advances in computing

Systems controlled by next-generation computing algorithms could give rise to better and more efficient machine learning products, a new study suggests.


A better way to control shape-shifting soft robots

Imagine a slime-like robot that can seamlessly change its shape to squeeze through narrow spaces, which could be deployed inside the human body to remove an unwanted item.


Robotic system feeds people with severe mobility limitations

Cornell researchers have developed a robotic feeding system that uses computer vision, machine learning and multimodal sensing to safely feed people with severe mobility limitations, including those with spinal cord injuries, ...

Machine learning & AI

New study finds AI-generated empathy has its limits

Conversational agents (CAs) such as Alexa and Siri are designed to answer questions, offer suggestions—and even display empathy. However, new research finds they do poorly compared to humans when interpreting and exploring ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

AI and holography bring 3D augmented reality to regular glasses

Researchers in the emerging field of spatial computing have developed a prototype augmented reality headset that uses holographic imaging to overlay full-color, 3D moving images on the lenses of what would appear to be an ...