Hi Tech & Innovation news


Innovative biorobotic arm uses artificial muscles to combat tremors, paving way for wearable solutions

It is estimated that about 80 million people worldwide live with a tremor. For example, those who live with Parkinson's disease. The involuntary periodic movements sometimes strongly affect how patients are able to perform ...


A 30-foot-long glass bridge blends ancient wisdom with cutting-edge design

With more than 500 bridges crisscrossing the city of Philadelphia, they are an integral part of daily life. In a city defined by its rivers, bridges make possible the connections between people.

Hi Tech & Innovation

AI could supercharge human collective intelligence in everything from disaster relief to medical research

Imagine a large city recovering from a devastating hurricane. Roads are flooded, the power is down, and local authorities are overwhelmed. Emergency responders are doing their best, but the chaos is massive.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Therapy for ChatGPT? How to reduce AI 'anxiety'

Distressing news and traumatic stories can cause stress and anxiety—not only in humans, but also in AI language models, such as ChatGPT. Researchers from the University of Zurich and the University Hospital of Psychiatry ...


Fiber optic networks enhanced with liquid crystal technology

Applications such as self-driving vehicles, 6G mobile communications and quantum communications are pushing fiber optic networks to their limits. Fraunhofer researchers have joined forces with partners to devise clever ways ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Washable touchless technology could transform electronic textiles

A team of researchers from Nottingham Trent University, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (Germany) and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) has created washable and durable magnetic field-sensing electronic textiles—thought ...


Novel photochromic glass can store rewritable 3D patterns

For decades, researchers have been exploring how to store data in glass because of its potential to hold information for a long time—eons—without applying power. A special type of glass that changes color in different ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Wearable bionic device mimics birds' extraordinary sight

Scientists at the City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) have developed a wearable bionic device that replicates birds' exceptional visual capabilities and operates with near-zero power consumption. This innovation represents ...

Computer Sciences

High-speed face tracking enhances augmented reality experiences

Augmented reality (AR) has become a hot topic in the entertainment, fashion, and makeup industries. Though a few different technologies exist in these fields, dynamic facial projection mapping (DFPM) is among the most sophisticated ...


How the EU transformed tech

As millions of voters prepare for next month's European Parliament elections, AFP explores some of the deep transformations the 27-member bloc has made in the field of technology.


Scientists harness the wind as a tool to move objects

Researchers have developed a technique to move objects around with a jet of wind. The new approach makes it possible to manipulate objects at a distance and could be integrated into robots to give machines ethereal fingers.

Computer Sciences

Researchers develop a new way to instruct dance in virtual reality

Researchers at Aalto University were looking for better ways to instruct dance choreography in virtual reality. The new WAVE technique they developed will be presented in May at the CHI conference for human-computer interaction ...

Energy & Green Tech

New insights lead to better next-gen solar cells

For Michael Saliba and Mahdi Malekshahi, it was one of those moments in science when good experimental results raised more questions. The University of Stuttgart researchers recently developed a new process to make solar ...


Splashy Saudi mega-project NEOM chases Chinese funds

Bigwigs behind a Saudi megacity dogged by questions about its viability have wrapped up a tour courting Chinese investors, detailing plans for a futuristic ski resort and 170-kilometer-long skyscrapers.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Microsoft teases lifelike avatar AI tech but gives no release date

Researchers at Microsoft have revealed a new artificial tool that can create deeply realistic human avatars—but offered no timetable to make it available to the public, citing concerns about facilitating deep fake content.


Q&A: Enhancing last-mile logistics with machine learning

Across the country, hundreds of thousands of drivers deliver packages and parcels to customers and companies each day, with many click-to-door times averaging only a few days. Coordinating a supply chain feat of this magnitude ...