Hi Tech & Innovation news


New device simplifies manipulation of 2D materials for twistronics

A discovery six years ago took the condensed-matter physics world by storm: Ultra-thin carbon stacked in two slightly askew layers became a superconductor, and changing the twist angle between layers could toggle their electrical ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Inspired by squids and octopi, a new screen stores and displays encrypted images without electronics

A flexible screen inspired in part by squid can store and display encrypted images like a computer—using magnetic fields rather than electronics. The research is reported in Advanced Materials by University of Michigan ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

VR system mixes physical and virtual worlds to drive home climate urgency

An iconic red shuttle bus ferries commuters and visitors along the winding streets of New York City's Roosevelt Island. But this isn't a typical sightseeing tour.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Japan plans driverless bullet trains

Shinkansen bullet trains could be whizzing around Japan without drivers from the mid 2030s, one of its main rail operators said, motivated in part by the country's demographic crisis.


Revolutionizing 3D printing through microwave technology

In the rapidly evolving world of 3D printing, the pursuit of faster, more efficient and versatile production methods is never-ending. Traditional 3D printing techniques, while groundbreaking, are often time-consuming and ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Shakespeare in sign language, as seen through AI

A new study uses co-creation with reference communities to develop an app for sign language machine translation (SLMT). The research team designed a theatrical performance in sign language, seen through the eyes of artificial ...


Sprayable gels could protect buildings during wildfires

As climate change creates hotter, drier conditions, we are seeing longer fire seasons with larger, more frequent wildfires. In recent years, catastrophic wildfires have destroyed homes and infrastructure, caused devastating ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Brain2Music taps thoughts to reproduce music

Legendary Stones guitarist Keith Richards once said, "Music is a language that doesn't speak in particular words. It speaks in emotions, and if it's in the bones, it's in the bones."

Hi Tech & Innovation

Vibrating vests translate music for deaf concertgoers

The violins reverberate in the ribcage, while cello and bass are felt a little further down, with horns in the shoulders and, more often than not, soloists in the wrists.


Leveraging the role of dynamic reconfigurable antennas

We are living in the realm of Industry 4.0 today, which is a digital paradigm referring to the integration of cutting-edge computing and digital technologies into global industries. Some of the key technologies in smart industries ...

Consumer & Gadgets

With a new app, smart devices can use GPS underwater

Even for scuba and snorkeling enthusiasts, the plunge into open water can be dislocating. Divers frequently swim with limited visibility, which can become a safety hazard for teams trying to find each other in an emergency. ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

The present and future of computing get a boost from new research

The world's computing needs have grown exponentially in recent years due to an explosion of technology. To meet the needs for the next technological leap, the scientific community is working to improve current processing ...

Energy & Green Tech

Collecting energy from raindrops using solar panel technology

When raindrops fall from the sky, they can produce a small amount of energy that can be harvested and turned into electricity. It is a small-scale version of hydropower, which uses the kinetic energy of moving water to produce ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

A new milestone for flexible magnetic sensors

Flexible magnetic sensors have gained popularity due to their versatility and potential applications in major areas of flexible electronics, including soft robotics, consumer electronics, health care, automotive, and more. ...