Machine learning & AI news


LiDAR-based system allows unmanned aerial vehicle team to rapidly reconstruct environments

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, have proved to be highly effective systems for monitoring and exploring environments. These autonomous flying robots could also be used to create detailed maps and ...

Consumer & Gadgets

As LLMs grow bigger, they're more likely to give wrong answers than admit ignorance

A team of AI researchers at Universitat Politècnica de València, in Spain, has found that as popular LLMs (Large Language Models) grow larger and more sophisticated, they become less likely to admit to a user that they ...


Regulating artificial intelligence: From BRICS to beyond

Researchers from the Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) program recently participated in a seminar inviting expert dialogue on the role of BRICS competition authorities in the fast-maturing era of artificial intelligence (AI) ...

Consumer & Gadgets

ChatGPT is changing the way we write. Here's how—and why it's a problem

Have you noticed certain words and phrases popping up everywhere lately?


AI helps detect and monitor infrastructure defects

Thanks to recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), civil engineers can inspect large-scale infrastructure more efficiently and cost-effectively, while also monitoring the progression of damage severity over time.


AI model beats CAPTCHA every time

A trio of AI researchers at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, has modified an AI-based, picture-processing model to solve Google's reCAPTCHAv2 human-testing system.


Examining patents to find impact of AI on specific jobs

Artificial intelligence (AI) may reshape many industries, but the impact of the nascent technology on various jobs remains unclear. Daniele Quercia and colleagues used machine learning to investigate itself, by identifying ...

Machine learning & AI

Data leaks can sink machine learning models

When developing machine learning models to find patterns in data, researchers across fields typically use separate data sets for model training and testing, which allows them to measure how well their trained models do with ...


Microsoft's GitHub offers companies souped-up AI coding tool

Microsoft Corp.'s GitHub is releasing a pricier paid version of its artificial intelligence software development tool that can answer questions based on a company's own programming code, a feature designed to help new engineers ...


AI the new obsession for venture capital investing

After the earthquake of ChatGPT's phenomenal success a year ago, Silicon Valley investors have gone into overdrive with artificial intelligence, looking for the newest blockbuster idea in an ocean of hype and overpromising.

Machine learning & AI

Google CEO slams 'completely unacceptable' Gemini AI errors

Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Tuesday slammed "completely unacceptable" errors by its Gemini AI app, after gaffes such as images of ethnically diverse World War II Nazi troops forced it to stop users from creating pictures ...


New AI model could streamline operations in a robotic warehouse

Hundreds of robots zip back and forth across the floor of a colossal robotic warehouse, grabbing items and delivering them to human workers for packing and shipping. Such warehouses are increasingly becoming part of the supply ...


Research introduces new approach for detecting deepfakes

Research published in the International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computingintroduces a new approach to tackling the challenges posed by deepfake technology, which generates manipulated media content that closely resembles ...


AI accelerates process design for 3D printing metal alloys

In order to successfully 3D-print a metal part to the exacting specifications that many in industry demand, process parameters—including printing speed, laser power, and layer thickness of the deposited material—must ...

Computer Sciences

Anything-in anything-out: A new modular AI model

Researchers at EPFL have developed a new, uniquely modular machine learning model for flexible decision-making. It is able to input any mode of text, video, image, sound, and time-series and then output any number, or combination, ...


Corporate race to use AI puts public at risk, study finds

A rush by Australian companies to use generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is escalating the privacy and security risks to the public as well as to staff, customers and stakeholders, according to a new study.