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Electronics & Semiconductors

Ordered defects enhance solution-deposited semiconductors enabling larger high-performance displays

Standard manufacturing techniques for semiconductor devices—the technologies that make electronics possible—involve processing raw materials at high temperatures in vacuum vessels. This fundamentally limits manufacturing ...

Energy & Green Tech

New technology converts wastewater to sustainable aviation fuel with potential 70% reduction in emissions

Made from renewable materials like biomass and agricultural waste, sustainable aviation fuel has enormous potential to decarbonize the aviation industry. But widespread adoption has yet to take off.

Energy & Green Tech

Small turbines can capture wasted energy and generate electricity from man-made wind sources

A pair of electrical engineers at Distance University of Madrid, working with a colleague from Mision Critica-Data Center, ZFB Technology Services, in Columbia, has developed a methodology for generating electricity from ...

Computer Sciences

Overcoming 'catastrophic forgetting': Algorithm inspired by brain allows neural networks to retain knowledge

Neural networks have a remarkable ability to learn specific tasks, such as identifying handwritten digits. However, these models often experience "catastrophic forgetting" when taught additional tasks: They can successfully ...

Machine learning & AI

AI steps into science limelight with Nobel wins

For long periods of its history, artificial intelligence has lurked in the hinterland of science, often unloved and unfunded—but two Nobel prizes in one week suggest its time in the sunshine has finally arrived.


Meet the robotic 'finger' ready to check your pulse

Researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China have developed a soft robotic "finger" with a sophisticated sense of touch that can perform routine doctor's office examinations, including taking a patient's ...

Energy & Green Tech

Electrified reactor cuts emissions by 60% in key industries

Industries such as chemical manufacturing, fertilizer production and hydrogen generation could significantly cut emissions, improve efficiency and lower costs using a newly developed electrified reactor as an alternative ...

Computer Sciences

Study addresses challenges in digital animation of coiled hair

We have grown accustomed to seeing many aspects of our everyday world depicted using computer graphics, but some phenomena remain difficult for even the most experienced animators. Hair, specifically the highly coiled hair ...


New modeling tool aids marine hydrokinetic energy projects

Researchers have created a new modeling tool that can be used to help develop ocean-based hydrokinetic energy projects. The tool can be used both to help design more robust marine hydrokinetic technologies and to inform risk ...

Computer Sciences

Bird's-eye view improves safety of autonomous driving

In the Providentia++ project, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have worked with industry partners to develop a technology to complement the vehicle perspective based on onboard sensor input with a bird's-eye ...


Advancing human-like perception in self-driving vehicles

How can mobile robots perceive and understand the environment correctly, even if parts of the environment are occluded by other objects? This is a key question that must be solved for self-driving vehicles to safely navigate ...

Energy & Green Tech

Small nuke reactors emerge as energy option, but risks loom

A global search for alternative sources to Russian energy during the war in Ukraine has refocused attention on smaller, easier-to-build nuclear power stations, which proponents say could provide a cheaper, more efficient ...


Modified microwave oven cooks up next-gen semiconductors

A household microwave oven modified by a Cornell engineering professor is helping to cook up the next generation of cellphones, computers and other electronics after the invention was shown to overcome a major challenge faced ...

Energy & Green Tech

New energy harvesters show potential that fits like a glove

A group of University of Texas at Dallas researchers and their colleagues have made significant improvements to energy-harvesting yarns they invented called twistrons, which are made from carbon nanotubes and produce electricity ...