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Energy & Green Tech

Integer addition algorithm could reduce energy needs of AI by 95%

A team of engineers at AI inference technology company BitEnergy AI reports a method to reduce the energy needs of AI applications by 95%. The group has published a paper describing their new technique on the arXiv preprint ...


Rooftop solar panels impact temperatures during the day and night in cities, simulation study shows

Widespread coverage of building rooftops with conventional photovoltaic solar panels may increase temperatures on hot days and lower them at night, says new modeling.


A quick and easy way to produce anode materials for sodium-ion batteries using microwaves

A research team has developed a process technology that enables ultrafast, 30-second preparation of hard carbon anodes for sodium-ion batteries using microwave induction heating.


Dragonfly wing pattern reinforces vaults and domes better than ancient Roman and tech-generated methods

Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from the University of Granada, Spain, have determined the most efficient ways to reinforce vaults and domes in architecture. The team compared how well various traditional and unconventional ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Development of a diamond transistor with high hole mobility

Using a new fabrication technique, NIMS has developed a diamond field-effect transistor (FET) with high hole mobility, which allows reduced conduction loss and higher operational speed. This new FET also exhibits normally ...


Team develops fingertip sensitivity for robots

In a paper published on February 23, 2022 in Nature Machine Intelligence, a team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) introduce a robust soft haptic sensor named "Insight" that uses computer ...

Energy & Green Tech

Using the power of plants to filter wastewater

Plants can be decoration, medicine, food, garments—they have as many uses as they do shapes and sizes. And Jacques Brisson, professor in the University of Montreal's Department of Biological Sciences, knows it better than ...


A security technique to fool would-be cyber attackers

Multiple programs running on the same computer may not be able to directly access each other's hidden information, but because they share the same memory hardware, their secrets could be stolen by a malicious program through ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Perovskites used to make efficient artificial retina

An artificial electronic retina that can "see" in a similar way to the human vision system and can recognize handwritten digits has been built by KAUST researchers as they seek to develop better options for computer vision ...

Energy & Green Tech

A step closer to biodegradable household batteries

Fully organic rechargeable household batteries are an ideal alternative to traditional metal-based batteries, in particular for reducing pollution to landfill and the environment.