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Hi Tech & Innovation

Harnessing extended reality to reduce the fear of water

Monash University human-computer interaction researchers have developed a playful water-inspired extended reality system using floatation tanks to help reduce aquaphobia.


New cooling system works on gravity instead of electricity

Its abundance of sunlight and heavy investment in solar cell technology has positioned Saudi Arabia well in its transition to becoming a leading exporter of renewable energy. Indeed, solar energy currently makes up more than ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Engineers develop a bendable, programmable, non-silicon microprocessor that requires only 6 mW of power

A team of microchip engineers at Pragmatic Semiconductor, working with a pair of colleagues from Harvard University and another from Qamcom, has developed a bendable, programmable, non-silicon 32-bit RISC-V microprocessor. ...

Machine learning & AI

AI pareidolia: Can machines spot faces in inanimate objects?

In 1994, Florida jewelry designer Diana Duyser discovered what she believed to be the Virgin Mary's image in a grilled cheese sandwich, which she preserved and later auctioned for $28,000. But how much do we really understand ...

Energy & Green Tech

E-kerosene strategy unveiled to achieve carbon-neutral air travel

International flights can transport us to most of the world's major cities within a day or two and later bring us home—often for less than a thousand dollars per seat. This jet-setting, however, comes with a heavy carbon ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Wearable sticker turns hand movements into communication

Imagine wearing a thin flexible sticker that can turn your hand or finger movement into communication without you having to say a word or tap a touch screen. Researchers have developed a new type of wearable sensor that can ...


3D printed titanium structure shows supernatural strength

A 3D printed 'metamaterial' boasting levels of strength for weight not normally seen in nature or manufacturing could change how we make everything from medical implants to aircraft or rocket parts.


AI accelerates process design for 3D printing metal alloys

In order to successfully 3D-print a metal part to the exacting specifications that many in industry demand, process parameters—including printing speed, laser power, and layer thickness of the deposited material—must ...


Researchers set new world record for CIGS solar cells

Uppsala University is the new world record holder for electrical energy generation from copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cells. The new world record is 23.64% efficiency. The measurement was made by an independent ...

Energy & Green Tech

What will it take for China to reach carbon neutrality by 2060?

To become carbon neutral by 2060, as mandated by President Xi Jinping, China will have to build eight to 10 times more wind and solar power installations than currently exist in the country. Reaching carbon neutrality will ...


Human-like real-time sketching by a humanoid robot

The rapid advancement of deep learning algorithms and generative models has enabled the automated production of increasingly striking AI-generated artistic content. Most of this AI-generated art, however, is created by algorithms ...


A DVD-sized disk that can store 1 million movies

A team of photonic engineers affiliated with several institutions in China has developed a new type of optical DVD that is capable of holding up to a petabyte of data. The group used a new material to coat the DVDs and new ...