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Energy & Green Tech

Researchers develop bendable energy storage materials

Imagine being able to wear your smartphone on your wrist, not as a watch, but literally as a flexible band that surrounds around your arm. How about clothes that charge your gadgets just by wearing them?


Electric light transmits data 100 times faster than Wi-Fi

Li-fi, a communication technology harnessing visible light for data transmission, has a potential to surpass Wi-Fi's speed by more than 100 times and boasts a high bandwidth, facilitating the simultaneous transmission of ...


Using AI to help dams run smarter

In August 2020, following a period of prolonged drought and intense rainfall, a dam situated near the Seomjin River in Korea experienced overflow during a water release, resulting in damages exceeding 100 billion won (USD ...

Energy & Green Tech

Enhancing hydrogen fuel cell durability via tungsten oxide coating

When purchasing a smartphone, one of your primary considerations is typically finding a durable case and a screen protector to safeguard the device from external harm. Similarly, a group of researchers from POSTECH has recently ...

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