
AI-equipped eyeglasses read silent speech

Cornell University researchers have developed a silent-speech recognition interface that uses acoustic-sensing and artificial intelligence to continuously recognize up to 31 unvocalized commands, based on lip and mouth movements.

Computer Sciences

Shining a light into the 'black box' of AI

Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), and the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a novel method for evaluating the interpretability of artificial intelligence ...

Computer Sciences

New study identifies how AI fails to reproduce human vision

When a human spots a familiar face or an oncoming vehicle, it takes the brain a mere 100 milliseconds (about one-tenth of a second) to identify it and more importantly, place it in the right context so it can be understood, ...


ChatGPT gets more 'human' as AI wave continues

The company behind the ChatGPT app that churns out essays, poems or computing code on command released Tuesday a long-awaited update of its artificial intelligence (AI) technology that it said would be safer and more accurate ...

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