
Using AI to help dams run smarter

In August 2020, following a period of prolonged drought and intense rainfall, a dam situated near the Seomjin River in Korea experienced overflow during a water release, resulting in damages exceeding 100 billion won (USD ...

Computer Sciences

A new perspective on Petri net learning

The state space explosion problem means that the state space of Petri nets (PNs) grows exponentially with PNs' size. Even the fundamental reachability problem is still an NP-Hard problem in general. It has been proved that ...


Exploring the details of an energy-saving AI chip

Hussam Amrouch has developed an AI-ready architecture that is twice as powerful as comparable in-memory computing approaches. As reported in the journal Nature Communications, the professor at the Technical University of ...


Using deep learning to classify steel materials objectively

Rolling bearings are installed wherever something is in rotation. The wide range of applications extends from large wind turbines to small electric toothbrushes. These bearings, which consist of steel components, must be ...

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