Computer Sciences

AI learns to trace neuronal pathways

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) scientists have taught computers to recognize a neuron in microscope images of the brain more efficiently than any previous approach. The researchers improved the efficiency of automated ...

Computer Sciences

Could a computer ever learn the same way people and animals do?

Whether a computer could ever pass for a living thing is one of the key challenges for researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence. There have been vast advancements in AI since Alan Turing first created what is now ...


Need help building IKEA furniture? This robot can lend a hand

As robots increasingly join forces to work with humans—from nursing care homes to warehouses to factories—they must be able to proactively offer support. But first, robots have to learn something we know instinctively: ...

Computer Sciences

Let's talk about the elephant in the data

You would not be surprised to see an elephant in the savanna or a plate in your kitchen. Based on your prior experiences and knowledge, you know that is where elephants and plates are often to be found. If you saw a mysterious ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers improve scene perception with innovative framework

Led by Prof. Liu Yong from the Hefei lnstitutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researchers have proposed a novel framework, called Clip-based Knowledge Transfer and Relational Context Mining (CKT-RCM), ...

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