Computer Sciences

New AI technique creates 3-D shapes from 2-D images

A new technique that uses the artificial intelligence methods of machine learning and deep learning is able to create 3-D shapes from 2-D images, such as photographs, and is even able to create new, never-before-seen shapes.


How tiny machines become capable of learning

Living organisms, from bacteria to animals and humans, can perceive their environment and process, store and retrieve this information. They learn how to react to later situations using appropriate actions. A team of physicists ...


Leveraging the role of dynamic reconfigurable antennas

We are living in the realm of Industry 4.0 today, which is a digital paradigm referring to the integration of cutting-edge computing and digital technologies into global industries. Some of the key technologies in smart industries ...


Metaverse could put a dent in global warming, says study

For many technology enthusiasts, the metaverse—a virtual 3D environment in which the physical and digital worlds converge—has the potential to transform almost every facet of human life, from work to education to entertainment.

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