Hi Tech & Innovation news

Electronics & Semiconductors

Shape-morphing brain sensor adheres to curved surfaces for ultrasound neurostimulation

Transcranial focused ultrasound, a non-invasive technique to stimulate specific areas of the brain using high-frequency sound waves, could be a promising treatment strategy for many neurological disorders. Most notably, it ...


Scientists develop novel digital encoding system using fluorescent pixels

A team of scientists has developed a novel digital encoding and data storage system based on a combination of microcapsules containing different luminescent dyes and phase change materials. This work represents an important ...


Lasers provide boon for manufacturing of ceremonial Thai umbrellas

Seen atop pagodas, inside Buddhist ordination halls, and in royal palaces, the tiered umbrella is one of Thailand's oldest and most sacred ornamental symbols. Constructing one of these ornate pieces, also called chatras, ...


New origami-inspired system turns flat-pack tubes into strong building materials

Engineers at RMIT University have designed an innovative tubular structural system that can be packed flat for easier transport and pop up into strong building materials. This breakthrough is made possible by a self-locking ...


New device simplifies manipulation of 2D materials for twistronics

A discovery six years ago took the condensed-matter physics world by storm: Ultra-thin carbon stacked in two slightly askew layers became a superconductor, and changing the twist angle between layers could toggle their electrical ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Japan plans driverless bullet trains

Shinkansen bullet trains could be whizzing around Japan without drivers from the mid 2030s, one of its main rail operators said, motivated in part by the country's demographic crisis.


Revolutionizing 3D printing through microwave technology

In the rapidly evolving world of 3D printing, the pursuit of faster, more efficient and versatile production methods is never-ending. Traditional 3D printing techniques, while groundbreaking, are often time-consuming and ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Glasses talk, ears focus, in OrCam's tech showcase

OrCam Technologies at this year's CES made a name for itself as solutions bearer for wearable assistive technology. They have developed wearable aides for hearing and for reading. These make use of computer vision and machine ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

'Holy Grail' digital effects rewinding the clock for actors

With Martin Scorsese's "The Irishman" expected to battle "Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood" and "1917" for the best picture Oscar in February, all eyes are on the special effects team that made the sprawling crime epic possible.


A sensor to detect human body conditions in real-time

DGIST announced that Professor Hyuk-Jun Kwon in the Department of Information and Communication Engineering developed a 'patch-based health diagnosis sensor system' that is easily attached to skin in association with Professor ...


As Digital Earth gains momentum, China is setting the pace

Al Gore's 1992 forecast of a Digital Earth—where satellites beam data to reveal all the planet's environmental dynamics—has gained momentum with the publication of the Manual of Digital Earth last month. The major anthology ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Ring-shaped container for better canned food

Canning is a sustainable way of storing food, but the method requires a lot of energy and water and can affect food quality. A newly developed can with a different shape may be the solution that makes canned food of the future ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

SMAC in the DARQ: five trends shaping tech in 2020

In 2020, will the wow factor return to consumer hardware? Will blockchain and 5G punch into the mainstream? Or will the world unify against Big Tech's tax-avoiding practices?

Energy & Green Tech

Rolls-Royce: Zero emissions bird set for 2020

Rolls-Royce has taken the wraps off its one-seater electric plane. This was a first look that drew global interest from news sites last week, as the big date is set for Spring next year to fly. The plane could become the ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Honda self-driving concept offers on and off modes

Nervous about the self driving future? You are not alone. The AAA newsroom in March reported on the AAA's annual automated vehicle survey which found that 71 percent of people were afraid to ride in fully self-driving vehicles.


Commuting in the sky: Flight system tech in demo debut

No potholes, no fender-benders, no middle-finger greetings when you try to pass, no lane closings, no long delays....just travel between cities quickly if done skyward, and for the tired commuters (cut to mighty violins) ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Smart intersections could cut autonomous car congestion

In the not-so-distant future, city streets could be flooded with autonomous vehicles. Self-driving cars can move faster and travel closer together, allowing more of them to fit on the road—potentially leading to congestion ...