Machine learning & AI news


Amazon is reviewing whether Perplexity AI improperly scraped online content

Amazon is reviewing claims that the artificial intelligence startup Perplexity AI is scraping content—including from prominent news sites—without approval.

Machine learning & AI

Advances in AI technology for improved object detection and classification

The core technology of artificial intelligence (AI) lies in its ability to retain existing knowledge while learning new information. This capability is crucial for AI systems to function effectively in various applications, ...


Robotic hand with tactile fingertips achieves new dexterity feat

Improving the dexterity of robot hands could have significant implications for automating tasks such as handling goods for supermarkets or sorting through waste for recycling.


AI companies train language models on YouTube's archive—making family-and-friends videos a privacy risk

The promised artificial intelligence revolution requires data. Lots and lots of data. OpenAI and Google have begun using YouTube videos to train their text-based AI models. But what does the YouTube archive actually include?


AI reality lags the hype in Swiss tech industries

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has found its way into everyday operations in various industries. The pharmaceutical industry uses AI to discover new drugs, the consumer goods industry uses it for quality control, and in the ...

Computer Sciences

New tool detects AI-generated videos with 93.7% accuracy

Earlier this year, an employee at a multinational corporation sent fraudsters $25 million. The instructions to transfer the money came—the employee thought—straight from the company's CFO. In reality, the criminals had ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers propose the next platform for brain-inspired computing

Computers have come so far in terms of their power and potential, rivaling and even eclipsing human brains in their ability to store and crunch data, make predictions and communicate. But there is one domain where human brains ...