Machine learning & AI news

Machine learning & AI

AI pareidolia: Can machines spot faces in inanimate objects?

In 1994, Florida jewelry designer Diana Duyser discovered what she believed to be the Virgin Mary's image in a grilled cheese sandwich, which she preserved and later auctioned for $28,000. But how much do we really understand ...

Machine learning & AI

Don't believe the hype: Artificial general intelligence is far from inevitable, researchers say

Will AI soon surpass the human brain? If you ask employees at OpenAI, Google DeepMind and other large tech companies, it is inevitable. However, researchers at Radboud University and other institutes show new proof that those ...

Consumer & Gadgets

As LLMs grow bigger, they're more likely to give wrong answers than admit ignorance

A team of AI researchers at Universitat Politècnica de València, in Spain, has found that as popular LLMs (Large Language Models) grow larger and more sophisticated, they become less likely to admit to a user that they ...


OpenAI discusses giving Altman 7% stake in for-profit shift

OpenAI is discussing giving Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman a 7% equity stake in the company and restructuring to become a for-profit business, people familiar with the matter said, a major shift that would mark the first ...


New study shows AI can forecast mining disasters

Artificial Intelligence can forecast gas-related incidents in coal mines within half an hour, according to a new study exploring how the technology can reduce the risk of disasters.


Regulating artificial intelligence: From BRICS to beyond

Researchers from the Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) program recently participated in a seminar inviting expert dialogue on the role of BRICS competition authorities in the fast-maturing era of artificial intelligence (AI) ...


AI helps detect and monitor infrastructure defects

Thanks to recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), civil engineers can inspect large-scale infrastructure more efficiently and cost-effectively, while also monitoring the progression of damage severity over time.


AI model beats CAPTCHA every time

A trio of AI researchers at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, has modified an AI-based, picture-processing model to solve Google's reCAPTCHAv2 human-testing system.

Hi Tech & Innovation

AI agents help explain other AI systems

Explaining the behavior of trained neural networks remains a compelling puzzle, especially as these models grow in size and sophistication. Like other scientific challenges throughout history, reverse-engineering how artificial ...

Computer Sciences

Can large language models detect sarcasm?

Large language models (LLMs) are advanced deep learning algorithms that can analyze prompts in various human languages, subsequently generating realistic and exhaustive answers. This promising class of natural language processing ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Apple flash: Our smart devices will soon be smarter

Our smart devices take voice commands from us, check our heartbeats, track our sleep, translate text, send us reminders, capture photos and movies, and let us talk to family and friends continents away.