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Using Turing patterns to enhance soft pneumatic technology

According to a recent study in Scientific Reports, Turing patterns can be used to develop a new method for designing and producing fabric-based soft pneumatic actuators (FSPAs).

Electronics & Semiconductors

Shape-morphing brain sensor adheres to curved surfaces for ultrasound neurostimulation

Transcranial focused ultrasound, a non-invasive technique to stimulate specific areas of the brain using high-frequency sound waves, could be a promising treatment strategy for many neurological disorders. Most notably, it ...


Study highlights complex ocean conditions facing world's most powerful tidal turbine

The number of tidal power and other offshore renewable energy installations is set to grow significantly around the UK coastline over the coming decades.

Energy & Green Tech

Organic supramolecular crystals with high hydrogen storage performance could enhance fuel-cell vehicle efficiency

Hydrogen is often seen as the fuel of the future on account of its zero-emission and high gravimetric energy density, meaning it stores more energy per unit of mass compared to gasoline. Its low volumetric density, however, ...


New study shows AI can forecast mining disasters

Artificial Intelligence can forecast gas-related incidents in coal mines within half an hour, according to a new study exploring how the technology can reduce the risk of disasters.


Bubbling up: Uncovering melt pool dynamics in metal manufacturing

Manually shaking or vibrating molten metal using ultrasonic waves helps reduce air bubbles, cracks and grain sizes in a finished metal part. Metal 3D printing researchers hypothesized that vibrations were the key to increasing ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Artificial nanofluidic synapses can store computational memory

Memory, or the ability to store information in a readily accessible way, is an essential operation in computers and human brains. A key difference is that while brain information processing involves performing computations ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers develop bendable energy storage materials

Imagine being able to wear your smartphone on your wrist, not as a watch, but literally as a flexible band that surrounds around your arm. How about clothes that charge your gadgets just by wearing them?

Machine learning & AI

Two artificial intelligences talk to each other

Performing a new task based solely on verbal or written instructions, and then describing it to others so that they can reproduce it, is a cornerstone of human communication that still resists artificial intelligence (AI).

Computer Sciences

New algorithm unlocks high-resolution insights for computer vision

Imagine yourself glancing at a busy street for a few moments, then trying to sketch the scene you saw from memory. Most people could draw the rough positions of the major objects like cars, people, and crosswalks, but almost ...

Computer Sciences

Pixel perfect: Engineers' new approach brings images into focus

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed an efficient new method to turn blurry images into clear, sharp ones. Called Progressively Deblurring Radiance Field (PDRF), this approach deblurs images 15 times faster than previous ...

Energy & Green Tech

Reimagining the future of solar energy

Scientists are always on the lookout for ways to make our world a better place, and one area they're focusing on is solar energy. One idea in this area is to make solar cells more efficient by concentrating more solar light ...


Research could advance soft robotics manufacturing and design

Soft robots use pliant materials such as elastomers to interact safely with the human body and other challenging, delicate objects and environments. A team of Rice University researchers has developed an analytical model ...