Monday, Jan 01

Tuesday, Jan 02


Understanding the security of mobile apps in Africa

Researchers from CyLab-Africa and the Upanzi Network recently partnered with the mobile security provider Approov to explore the security of common financial services apps used across Africa. After surveying 224 popular financial ...

Energy & Green Tech

Electromobility: A second life for electric motors

An increasing number of electric cars are being sold, consequently raising the quantity of produced electric motors. At the end of their useful life, these electric motors are shredded and then recycled. The individual components ...

Wednesday, Jan 03

Electronics & Semiconductors

Researchers create first functional semiconductor made from graphene

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have created the world's first functional semiconductor made from graphene, a single sheet of carbon atoms held together by the strongest bonds known. Semiconductors, which ...


Better microelectronics from coal

Coal is an abundant resource in the United States that has, unfortunately, contributed to climate change through its use as a fossil fuel. As the country transitions to other means of energy production, it will be important ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

AI agents help explain other AI systems

Explaining the behavior of trained neural networks remains a compelling puzzle, especially as these models grow in size and sophistication. Like other scientific challenges throughout history, reverse-engineering how artificial ...

Thursday, Jan 04


Researchers 3D print components for a portable mass spectrometer

Mass spectrometers, devices that identify chemical substances, are widely used in applications like crime scene analysis, toxicology testing, and geological surveying. But these machines are bulky, expensive, and easy to ...


Researchers develop high-performance, stretchable solar cells

With the market for wearable electric devices growing rapidly, stretchable solar cells that can function under strain have received considerable attention as an energy source. To build such solar cells, it is necessary that ...

Friday, Jan 05


Cryptocurrency's surprising transparency advantage

As perhaps befits a product of the post-2008 economy, the cryptocurrency space has never known normalcy. In a mere 13 years, crypto went from an untried software innovation of mysterious origin to being touted as the future ...


Face-off in Britain over controversial surveillance tech

On a gray, cloudy morning in December, London police deployed a state-of-the-art AI powered camera near the railway station in the suburb of Croydon and quietly scanned the faces of the unsuspecting passersby.

Consumer & Gadgets

AI breathes new life into old trends at CES gathering

The annual tech industry fair known as the Consumer Electronics Show is regaining momentum after the pandemic, with artificial intelligence (AI) infusing everything from bicycles to baby bottles.

Saturday, Jan 06

Sunday, Jan 07