Monday, Jan 08


Mobile ALOHA robot able to help with multiple household tasks

A trio of robotics engineers at Stanford University, working with colleagues from Google's Deep Mind, has built on Google's ALOHA system to create a mobile robot capable of carrying out a wide variety of household chores—they ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New material to boost the efficiency limits of silicon solar cells

A research group from the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC, Lithuania), together with partners from Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) set out to synthesize new material that could potentially complement ...

Tuesday, Jan 09

Consumer & Gadgets

A robot that can play video games with humans

In recent years, engineers have developed a wide range of robotic systems that could soon assist humans with various everyday tasks. Rather than assisting with chores or other manual jobs, some of these robots could merely ...

Energy & Green Tech

First battery prototype using hemoglobin developed

A team with the Chemical Institute for Energy and the Environment (IQUEMA) at the University of Cordoba has come up with a battery that uses hemoglobin as an electrochemical reaction facilitator, functioning for around 20–30 ...


Light-emitting textiles for diverse flexible and wearable displays

Textile research has highlighted the advances in electroluminescent threads as suitable biomaterials for driving growth in the wearable electronics market. While the direct embroidery of textiles with custom designs and patterns ...

Wednesday, Jan 10


AI discovers that not every fingerprint is unique

From "Law and Order" to "CSI," not to mention real life, investigators have used fingerprints as the gold standard for linking criminals to a crime. But if a perpetrator leaves prints from different fingers in two different ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

A new method to develop recyclable, organic and flexible electronics

The electronics industry has been in continuous development over the past decades, leading to the development, fabrication and sale of a broad range of consumer devices. In recent years, many engineers have been focusing ...


Scientists identify security flaw in AI query models

UC Riverside computer scientists have identified a security flaw in vision language artificial intelligence (AI) models that can allow bad actors to use AI for nefarious purposes, such as obtaining instructions on how to ...

Thursday, Jan 11

Computer Sciences

Novel AI framework generates images from nothing

A new, potentially revolutionary artificial intelligence framework called "Blackout Diffusion" generates images from a completely empty picture, meaning that, unlike other generative diffusion models, the machine-learning ...


Autonomous driving is 'happening', but slower than expected

To the believers, the oft-promised autonomous car revolution is "clearly happening"—they point to the myriad displays at the Consumers Electronics Show in Las Vegas that defy the industry's bad headlines.

Friday, Jan 12

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers develop long-cycle, high-energy sodium-ion battery

The constantly growing demand for energy storage is driving research and development in battery technology. The sodium-ion battery is a reliable and affordable replacement for lithium-ion batteries. The easy accessibility ...

Saturday, Jan 13

Energy & Green Tech

Green tech pumps water from air at CES

Tech aimed at battling climate change and even pumping fresh water out of thin air attracted crowds as the annual CES gadget extravaganza showed its green side.

Consumer & Gadgets

Wearable tech aiming to level up life: CES highlights

Turning on the TV with a wink, skiing on a city street—the once unimaginable was possible this week at CES, the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, thanks to wearable tech innovations.


EU's competition czar warns tech giants on new rulebook

The European Union's competition czar Margrethe Vestager on Friday said US tech giants will have to strictly abide by the bloc's new rules on how they do business when they come into force in two months.

Sunday, Jan 14


Adecco chief says AI will create new jobs

Artificial intelligence raises serious concerns for jobs but it will also create new positions, the head of Adecco, the world's biggest temporary staffing agency, told AFP.