Hi Tech & Innovation news


Bubbling up: Uncovering melt pool dynamics in metal manufacturing

Manually shaking or vibrating molten metal using ultrasonic waves helps reduce air bubbles, cracks and grain sizes in a finished metal part. Metal 3D printing researchers hypothesized that vibrations were the key to increasing ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

There's two sides to this semiconductor, and many simultaneous functions

Gallium nitride-based semiconductors have been a boon for high-frequency and power electronics. They've also revolutionized energy-efficient LED lighting. But no semiconductor wafer has been able to do both at the same time ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers create tiny nuclear-powered battery thousands of times more efficient than predecessors

A team of physicists and engineers affiliated with several institutions in China has developed an extremely small nuclear battery that they claim is up to 8,000 times more efficient than its predecessors. Their paper is published ...


Scientists mimic cat eyes to create artificial eye that sees better in the dark, detects camouflaged objects

A team of engineers from the Center for Nanoparticle Research, Seoul National University, the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, all in Korea, has developed a new ...


New device simplifies manipulation of 2D materials for twistronics

A discovery six years ago took the condensed-matter physics world by storm: Ultra-thin carbon stacked in two slightly askew layers became a superconductor, and changing the twist angle between layers could toggle their electrical ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Japan plans driverless bullet trains

Shinkansen bullet trains could be whizzing around Japan without drivers from the mid 2030s, one of its main rail operators said, motivated in part by the country's demographic crisis.


Revolutionizing 3D printing through microwave technology

In the rapidly evolving world of 3D printing, the pursuit of faster, more efficient and versatile production methods is never-ending. Traditional 3D printing techniques, while groundbreaking, are often time-consuming and ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

At San Francisco expo, AI 'sorry' for destroying humanity

Advances in artificial intelligence are coming so hard and fast that a museum in San Francisco, the beating heart of the tech revolution, has imagined a memorial to the demise of humanity.

Energy & Green Tech

Tuning thermoelectric materials for efficient power generation

In times when energy is scarce and sustainable ways of energy production are being explored, thermoelectric materials are being considered for power generation to transform waste heat into electricity. However, to make this ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Tactile tattoos to make virtual worlds tangible

Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), often combined under the term 'extended reality (XR)', are increasingly losing their niche status and entering the mass market. Think of the metaverse, gaming, applications in industry ...

Computer Sciences

Digital twins offer researchers access to new knowledge

A team of researchers at the Norwegian science institute SINTEF has developed data simulation systems that make it easier to understand exactly what enormous volumes of data are telling us. Their aim has been to convert the ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Chinese team creates vocal cords on a chip

Most of us take our voices for granted. But if we sing too long at a wild party, scream for our team at a sports event or suffer a bout of laryngitis due to a cold, we quickly learn how inconvenient it is to wake up the next ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Researchers fabricate novel flexible supercapacitors on paper

Wearable devices such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, and virtual reality headsets are becoming commonplace. They are powered by flexible electronics that consist of electrodes with plastic or metal foil as substrates. ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Real AI will need biology: Computers powered by human brain cells

The time has come to create a new kind of computer, say researchers from John Hopkins University together with Dr. Brett Kagan, chief scientist at Cortical Labs in Melbourne, who recently led development of the DishBrain ...


Underwater acoustic wireless communication using TCP/IP

Acoustic communication through water is well known in many species of sea creatures—whales, dolphins and other cetaceans, perhaps being the best known examples. But, crustaceans and fish also often communicate through water ...


Metaverse in spotlight at MWC tech fair even as doubts arise

I climbed into the front seat of the air taxi, buckled the seat belt and braced as the aircraft lifted off. The futuristic cityscape of Busan, South Korea, dropped away, and a digital avatar popped up on the windscreen with ...


Will future computers run on human brain cells?

A "biocomputer" powered by human brain cells could be developed within our lifetime, according to Johns Hopkins University researchers who expect such technology to exponentially expand the capabilities of modern computing ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Testing the use of kombucha to make circuit boards

A small international team of material and computer engineers has tested the possibility of using kombucha to make electronic circuit boards. Their paper, posted on the arXiv pre-print server, describes various methods of ...