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Researchers illuminate inner workings of new-age soft semiconductors

One of the more promising classes of materials for next-generation batteries and electronic devices are the organic mixed ionic-electronic conductors, OMIECs for short. These soft, flexible polymer semiconductors have promising ...


Squid-inspired fabric allows for temperature-controlled clothing

Too warm with a jacket on but too cold without it? Athletic apparel brands boast temperature-controlling fabrics that adapt to every climate with lightweight but warm products. Yet, consider a fabric that you can adjust to ...

Computer Sciences

Bringing clarity to microscopic imaging: New tool removes motion artifacts

Imaging microscopic samples requires capturing multiple, sequential measurements, then using computational algorithms to reconstruct a single, high-resolution image. This process can work well when the sample is static, but ...


New technique streamlines early-stage battery development

From current on-road vehicles to future electrified aircraft, the safety and reliability of energy storage systems is critical across battery applications. Before entering the market, all battery systems undergo thorough ...


New cooling system works on gravity instead of electricity

Its abundance of sunlight and heavy investment in solar cell technology has positioned Saudi Arabia well in its transition to becoming a leading exporter of renewable energy. Indeed, solar energy currently makes up more than ...

Machine learning & AI

AI pareidolia: Can machines spot faces in inanimate objects?

In 1994, Florida jewelry designer Diana Duyser discovered what she believed to be the Virgin Mary's image in a grilled cheese sandwich, which she preserved and later auctioned for $28,000. But how much do we really understand ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New sustainable method for creating organic semiconductors

Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have developed a new, more environmentally friendly way to create conductive inks for use in organic electronics such as solar cells, artificial neurons, and soft sensors. The ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Smart devices' ambient light sensors pose imaging privacy risk

In George Orwell's novel "1984," Big Brother watches citizens through two-way, TV-like telescreens to surveil citizens without any cameras. In a similar fashion, our current smart devices contain ambient light sensors, which ...

Energy & Green Tech

Artificial 'power plants' harness energy from wind and rain

Fake plants are moving into the 21st century. Researchers developed literal "power plants"—tiny, leaf-shaped generators that create electricity from a blowing breeze or falling raindrops—and described them in ACS Sustainable ...

Energy & Green Tech

Using AI to develop a battery that uses less lithium

A team of AI researchers at Microsoft working with colleagues from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has used AI to develop a battery that uses less lithium. Together, they have published a paper describing their work ...