Monday, Jan 22


Faulty machine translations litter the web

Near the end of the last century, Bill Gates saw the prospect of unifying citizens of nearly 200 countries, speaking more than 7,000 languages, coming together in common dialogue through the suddenly burgeoning web community.

Electronics & Semiconductors

New sustainable method for creating organic semiconductors

Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have developed a new, more environmentally friendly way to create conductive inks for use in organic electronics such as solar cells, artificial neurons, and soft sensors. The ...

Tuesday, Jan 23

Energy & Green Tech

X-rays light the way to more stable solar cell materials

Using the bright X-rays of the Advanced Photon Source and a custom-built characterization platform, scientists have traced the ion movements inside perovskites, a potential material for new solar energy harvesting devices.


Drone-zapping laser weapons now effective (and cheap) reality

A single burst of light is precisely aimed at a tiny drone flying at breakneck speed far in the distance. Instants later, the deactivated drone crashes into the sea. Not a sound made, no human casualties, no messy explosions. ...


Popping a champagne cork reveals propulsive dynamics

Researchers have resolved the complex gas dynamics that occur upon opening a champagne bottle (or, more generally, a bottle containing a pressurized liquid and gas) and these dynamics' interaction with the bottle's cork stopper. ...

Wednesday, Jan 24


Scientists announce breakthrough in hypersonic heat shield

In a giant leap for future hypersonic flight, Chinese scientists have turned to multi-scale technology to develop a revolutionary new material that has achieved record high marks in tests for vital strength and thermal insulation ...

Energy & Green Tech

Offshore wind farms are vulnerable to cyberattacks, study shows

The hurrying pace of societal electrification is encouraging from a climate perspective. But the transition away from fossil fuels toward renewable sources like wind presents new risks that are not yet fully understood.

Thursday, Jan 25


A method for extracting iron from aluminum production waste

A team of metallurgists in Germany has developed a technique for extracting iron from aluminum production waste. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group outlines their process and its degree of efficiency. ...

Friday, Jan 26


New research combats burgeoning threat of deepfake audio

With every passing day, it seems like it is getting harder to trust what you see—and hear—on the internet. Deepfakes and doctored audio have become easier to create with the press of a button. New research by three School ...


Scientists design a two-legged robot powered by muscle tissue

Compared to robots, human bodies are flexible, capable of fine movements, and can convert energy efficiently into movement. Drawing inspiration from human gait, researchers from Japan crafted a two-legged biohybrid robot ...

Energy & Green Tech

How silicon can improve the performance of solid-state batteries

High-performance batteries are required for a wide range of applications, and demand for them is growing rapidly. This is why the research and development of electrochemical energy storage systems, including those for electromobility, ...

Saturday, Jan 27

Sunday, Jan 28


X to open new Texas office to combat child porn

Social media platform X, formerly Twitter, will open a moderation office in Texas with an emphasis on fighting content linked to child sexual abuse, the company said.


Boeing exec apologizes over MAX 9 problem, promises fixes

A top Boeing executive has apologized for the problems highlighted by the mid-flight blowout of a door plug on an Alaska Airlines flight, as two airlines began returning the troubled 737 MAX 9 planes to service.